Functional and non-linear metamaterials.

The interesting properties of metamaterials emerge from the interaction of a multitude of the unit cells that they are made of. Linear behavior of the unit cell can be exploited to achieve useful properties such as dispersion, including partial or total bandgaps, anisotropic wave propagation, topologically protected modes and others. Advanced numerical methods are customarily used to investigate these behaviors, in ideal metamaterials, whereby also very compact models can be used, to investigate mechanical and multi-field systems alike.

Along the same lines, non-linear behaviors can be introduced by exploiting both purely mechanical (bi-stability, inertial amplification mechanisms, contact to mention a few) or multi-field interactions, such as electro-mechanical conversion of power via piezoelectric or magneto-mechanical couplings. The numerical and experimental study of the properties emerging from such behaviors and consequently the rational design of the materials that rely on them, offer very interesting challenges. The return on meeting them is the creation of metamaterials with exciting new properties. The mini-symposium welcomes contributions with a focus on multi-field and/or nonlinear metamaterials, for static and wave propagation related applications.